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See What Others Are Saying...

Awesome product. Nicely done packaging. The packaging alone makes it so special. Scent is not too overwhelming for those w sensitive noses. The look of candle very magical. I completely recommend this product to everyone.

J. from CO

Makes my house smell amazing.

B. from FL

Great quality products. Wife Loves the scents. Very nice stuff. Will buy again.

J. from FL

That was incredible. You were spot on.

S. from CO

I got my answer in just a few hours. Thanks.

S. from MA

I still can't believe how accurate you were. From timing to the amount of work that would need to be done.

L. from CO

Superb Smell.

B. from CO

Burns clean. Beautiful candle.

T. from CO

Small candle but perfectly fragrant

S. from CO